Way of Life

27 Jan 2016 - by @kmmtmm92

It’s year 2016, I am going to turn 24 this year. With this post, I would like to share what I understand from the term - “Way of Life”.

There is a lot of information that I want to share, and I don’t even know where to possibly start.

Since December 2015, I have completely changed the way to live my life. I do not make a plan for next 10 years. I create a plan for next 1 week and that too only in brief and live my life on daily basis, like when I get up I just think about what I will be doing in the next 2 hours.

It’s also important to give atleast one hour for recreation, however busy you may be that day.

To live a content life, stay away or atleast try to stay away from three of the most dangerous human emotions - ego, jealously and comparison.

These are some tips to lead an awesome life, it’s been 2 months, I myself have implemented it, and it has really helped me a lot to improve the way I live my life.